Pay and bonus pay gap

A comparison of the mean and median hourly gender pay gap as at 5th April 2022 and the mean and median bonus gap in respect of bonuses paid in the 12 months to the 5th April 2022 for Outsourcing (UK) Limited is shown below.

Pay Gap

Mean Pay Gap
Median Pay Gap

Bonus Pay Gap

Mean Bonus Gap
Median Bonus Gap

Proportion of male and female employees who received bonus pay


Proportion of male and female employees according to quartile pay bands

Hourly Pay QuartilesFemaleMale
Lower Quartile66.7%33.3%
Lower Middle Quartile71.1%28.9%
Upper Middle Quartile69.2%30.8%
Upper Quartile55.5%44.5%

Outsourcing gender make up


2022 is the sixth year that Outsourcing has published our gender pay gap figures in accordance with UK law; continuing our commitment to maintain transparency regarding our gender pay difference. Outsourcing is committed to achieving and promoting equality of opportunity; we value the diversity of our people and are committed to encouraging all to realise their full potential, wishing to ensure that our employees can expect to be treated with dignity and respect. It is acknowledged that a diverse, multitalented workforce brings enormous benefits to companies; companies that seek to reflect the communities they serve perform better as they have access to a wider range of talent and experiences. We are committed to promoting equality of opportunity and strive to ensure that everyone’s needs are met. One of our strengths is how different we all are, coming from a range a backgrounds, abilities, genders and orientations, thus promoting diversity of thought and inspiring individual ways of working. Our aim is to create a working environment where all our people feel equal and supported, as it is our wish that Outsourcing is an employer of choice and a career defining organisation promoting excellence in all that we do.

For 2022, we are reporting a mean gender pay gap of 21.3%; across Outsourcing gender representation at each level within the business follows the same pattern as in previous years. The overall gender split is 65.6% female, 34.4% male, this difference can be explained as there is a higher male representation in the most senior positions which continues to be a key factor influencing the gender pay gap. We acknowledge that these demographics are slow to change, being historically influenced by higher numbers of female employees choosing to work part time, Outsourcing has always been proud to support employee preferences. During and following the Covid-19 pandemic we launched a home/ hybrid working policy to ensure that at every level within the organisation colleagues are offered, where possible, flexibility in respect of when and where they work in order to support their wellbeing and work-life balance. This has provided greater opportunities to support employees with internal moves and career progression as proximity to a specific business centre is no longer an issue. We continue to be hopeful that this could benefit women as flexible working options could access female talent to fill senior roles, contributing to a fall in the gender pay gap. In order to enable a wider diversity of applicants for all positions, Outsourcing continues to promote inclusive working practices. We continue to recognise that meaningful and sustained change takes time, however, we are pleased with the progress we have made in respect of inclusion and diversity in the last 12 months.

We continue to be confident that throughout the organisation men and women doing equivalent roles are paid equally. Following the Equal Pay Act of 1979, it has been illegal to pay different amounts to men and women doing the same work. “Gender pay” is not the same as “equal pay”; gender pay compares the average pay of all female employees against the average pay of all male employees, regardless of individual roles performed. Equal pay compares the individual pay of men and women who are carrying out the same or equivalent work. We continue to be confident that Outsourcing does not promote any form of discrimination within our pay structures and where possible, we continue to evaluate roles in accordance with our job evaluation scheme; we believe that everyone has an important role to play and that everyone is rewarded fairly. In addition, Liberata has worked hard via our health and welling initiatives to continue to support our colleagues and has been a key focus amid the current financial environment. Following constructive negotiations with our recognised trade union, UNISON, we agreed a 5% pay increase specifically for all employees engaged on Liberata terms and conditions and those who are not traditionally subject to Local Authority (NJC) pay bargaining arrangements. For those employees subject to NJC pay, Liberata has continued to apply pay awards in accordance with NJC pay scales.

In 2022 higher percentages of employees received a bonus payment; reviewing our bonus pay gap for 2022, our median pay gap is 47.7% and our mean gap is 95.6%. Our gender bonus gap is larger than our gender pay gap as fewer women hold senior positions within the organisation. Bonus payments are non-guaranteed, being paid only if specific performance criteria are met. We will continue to address our bonus pay gap to ensure gender balance throughout all levels of the organisation.

As stated in previous reports, Outsourcing continues to acknowledge that due to the nature of our business a percentage of our workforce have TUPE transferred from a range of public and private sector employers. We remain committed to ensuring that employment rights are protected in accordance with the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations.

As one of the UK’s leading outsourcing providers, Outsourcing continues to be a vibrant and diverse organisation, reflecting the world around us; which is a key factor in understanding and satisfying the changing needs of our employees and clients.

I confirm that the gender pay gap data included in this report is accurate and has been prepared in accordance with statutory regulations.

Charlie Bruin
Chief Executive Officer